Something is Going Well Around Here!

The 1,000 “like” road marker disappearing in the rear view mirror…

The WP auto-post function just told me that I have accumulated 1,000 “likes,” which are all because the imaginary “you” have been appreciating what I’ve been pouring forth since June 22nd. It hasn’t been four months yet and I have so many “likes!” Who knew?!?

I’ve logged 87 posts (one was a repeat, so doesn’t really count and one was a reblog in respect for a new WordPress-induced friend) in 111 days, meaning that I’ve hit about 78% of the days between start and present. Not bad. Could be better. Let’s see if I can pick up the slack.

Thank you, everyone!


The Quarterback

Fifty separate conversations…

Fifty separate conversations ricocheted off the oak-stained paneling and died in the burnt-orange shag. At one of the dozen round, collapsible tables covered with clipped-on, mysteriously stained mixed-fiber table cloths, this one baptized in draught beer and drops of seafood sauce, a couple of classmates sat with the quarterback and his spouse. He stared off into space, while she scowled down at her hands clutching an empty red cup.

A classmate walked up, smiling nervously, glasses, mouse-brown bangs and a black ponytail scrunchy, a nice summer dress.

“I had such a crush on you in high school!” she said.

“You want him, he’s yours,” said his wife.

He was on the bench and had been for 40 years.

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